Whispering of Willows 40

Whispering of Willows 40

By Dr. Anna Zhao


While it might be a remnant of the COVID Pandemic, many of the patients we have seen lately exhibit some symptoms of depression or anxiety. There seem to be so many indications of fear: the pressures of life; for some, it’s the uncertainty of future; some experience helplessness and loneliness; and some, fatigue, anger, confusion, or lingering sadness.

Definitely, acupuncture, massage and herbal medicine can be helpful in relieving emotional blockages. When Dr. Daniel and I are treating patients, it is not uncommon that patients become emotional and start crying. A patient once told us after her treatment, she drove to a secluded alley, parked and wept for hours before heading home.

A patient of mine, N, said to me once: "I am an emotional person; I am constantly worried. Many times, I don't even know what I am worried about. My life is such a mess. Even now, I still live in the basement of my parents’ house. I can’t see the future. I don’t know how tomorrow could be different from today. Sometimes I really feel that life is exceedingly boring! The worst part is, when I get really depressed, I get mad at those ones who are close to me in my life. I actually love them in my heart, but I just can’t help but hurt them by saying or doing something stupid. Why am I like this?”

I said, "Possibly because you have unspoken anger in your heart. You haven't found a good way to express it, so you vent it on your loved ones. This is the safest way, because you know no matter what you do or say, they will always manage to stay close to you and love you."

"Is that so?" N smiled bitterly, "Then how should I release my negative emotions without hurting others, especially those I care about?"

How? I asked myself, when I was sanitizing some items from the clinic.

Suddenly I looked up and saw a grey bearded man working on the terrace outside. It was later that I learned he was M, the horticulturist brought in by Dr. Ali. He was pruning the fruit trees in the courtyard that day. When I first noticed him, he was facing me but couldn't see me, but I could clearly see his upturned face through the bare branches. From time to time, affectionately he squinted at a tree in front of him as if he was admiring an old friend. I heard his pruning shears clicking and nipping, and every movement of his was skillful and graceful. Not long after, bundles of branches were piled neatly in the cart beside him.

It was a meticulous task and he was at it almost all day long. No boredom was seen on his face; on the contrary, he kept beaming during the seemingly monotonous job as if he relished every moment. After all was completed, the entire courtyard looked tidy, fresh and marvelous.

I was impressed and felt an overwhelming urge to go out and meet him. "You really love gardening," said I.

Warmly he smiled at me, as if he had known me for years.

"Of course. I love to create. Whenever I am working in nature, joy fills my heart. Do you feel the energy of the trees and other plants? You see, when I am doing the work I love, I am completely immersed in the environment. If people are impatient, or honking their horns, or the Skytrain whistles by, I pay no notice at all."

"I see, for you working in the garden is like an artist creating art. I believe this process of creation is also a healing process,” I responded, while recalling Dr. Daniel mentioning previously that nature is the best healer:  simply holding a handful of soil in your palms causes your heart to become soft, and you are half way on your healing path.

"Absolutely, “M agreed, “if everyone learned the value of nature and how to grow their favorite fruits and vegetables, they wouldn't have time to be sad. To be honest, I haven't had even a drop of coffee in my life. You know why? As long as I have my dear plants, what else do I need to use to sharpen my mind?" He chuckled like a child.

"But the vast majority of people are not like you. They are so busy that they have no time to become intimate with nature. Also, for some people, they have no means to obtain much land for cultivation." I reminded him.

“But they can always start with a little pot big enough to hold their favorite plant. ”M shook his head, “We can always grow a pot of tomatoes, right? By the way, have you ever tasted a tomato grown by yourself? Do you notice how it tastes different from the ones you buy from grocery stores? We are the masters of our own lives. We can choose our own attitude, can’t we? For example, if it takes five hours to drive to a place, during those hours why are you in such a rush to get there? Why do you want to hasten to your destination in such an anxious manner? Why does every red light agitate you? Why does every little delay make you frown and sigh? Wouldn’t it be nicer to relax and enjoy the scenery outside the window? Do you notice the breadth and variation of the landscape when flying by in your car?  Sometimes we all get too lost in HURRYING ON WITH THINGS as we battle through our daily lives… and we forget to SLOW DOWN and just enjoy the beauty around us…THERE IS MUCH to ENJOY!!!!!....”

No doubt, this is a man who had learned the Tao of living, later I thought to myself, for he really knows how to discover and appreciate nature’s beauty. What is the difference between his thoughts and Lao Tzu's who came to the earth more than two thousand of years ago? Didn't Lao Tzu once say: "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished."?  And to be sure, the trees and flowers, they never seem in a hurry, but always accomplish what they are supposed to do. Isn't this a wonderful thing in itself?

Today, with the great help of Dr. Ali and his friends, we planted our goji berry bush, honeysuckle, some roses and a mulberry tree on the terrace. Before spraying fertilizer on the plants, Dr. Ali took the trouble to wrap up all the equipment and decorations in the garden, to prevent them from getting dirty. The statues of Buddha and Angels were also wrapped in plastic garments. Casually I turned and glanced at Dr. Ali, and for a brief moment the beam emanating from his face made him look like a Buddha himself.

Our friend, L, was squatting on the ground, trying with all her might to rescue a seemingly injured bee. Perhaps she thought the bee was hungry or thirsty? She even brought some honey and water for the bee. Eventually she managed to set it free again. I watched the gleam in her eyes, the gentle smile on her face, and the harmonious gestures of hers, and it suddenly dawned on me that L is also a person who has discovered the Tao of living.

My patient N's question popped up in my mind once again: "Then how should I release my negative emotions without hurting others especially those I care about?"


Given an opportunity to answer his question, I would suggest to him: go plant something, for in the process of creating, he can also plant his burden in the soil which cultivates new out of old. Mother Nature will happily take our negative energy for she knows how to transform it to something great. One day we will find that the healing hand of Mother Nature not only has erased all our scars, and also brought a golden orchard to our sight, laden with fruits. Isn’t that a cool vision?

Shouldn’t we at least give it a try?


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